Bilingual copywriter

I do copywriting, not to be confused with "copyright" which deals with authors' rights and intellectual property.

Same pronunciation, but they are completely different fields of expertise!

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However, if you have written a song and you hear another song that sounds a lot like yours, and you want to know what to do… I can’t help you!

What is copywriting, and why is it important?

Copywriting is a form of marketing that uses persuasive writing to get a reader to take action. It is part of the sales process.

There is a misconception that the only thing that copywriters do is sell, sell, sell, but it is much more than that.

While selling is often the goal of copywriting, it's not always about the exchange of money.

The real goal is to persuade the reader take action. This action could be for the reader to:

Since copywriting aims to persuade readers, it is the best way to increase leads and sales.

You can also use copywriting to create a relationship with a new reader or maintain and nurture an existing client relationship.

Have questions? Send me a note or contact me on LinkedIn to discuss.  Or book a call directly.

What does a copywriter do?

Simply put, a copywriter uses persuasive writing techniques to get a reader to take action.

To write the copy, a copywriter has to understand the product or service, must do research (it can be as simple as Google searches, or can go as far as interviews or even running experiments), and identify the best way to present the copy.

Then the copywriter uses his or her persuasive writing skills to write the appropriate copy.

How is copywriting different from other forms of writing?

The main difference between copywriting and other forms of writing is the intent behind it.

Copywriting is not journalism, although some journalism techniques can apply.

Copywriting is not fiction, but you can use many storytelling techniques to make copy more persuasive.

With copywriting, you always aim for a reader to act. The copywriter accompanies the reader along the path to take that action.

When do you use copywriting?

Copywriting takes different forms and appears at all steps of the customer journey.

There is no point in the life of a business where copywriting does not have its place. It simply takes a different form.

If you want to understand what type of content might work best for you, send me a note or contact me on LinkedIn to discuss.  Or book a call directly.

What are examples of copywriting?

There are two primary copywriting flavors: business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C). They are different because, in one case, you are presenting products and services to a company using a less personal, yet just as persuasive, style.

In the B2C approach, you target a single individual. So the copy must be such that the reader has the impression that it was written only for them. The language, the approach, and the overall tone will be different from B2B.

Within these two flavors, copywriting takes multiple forms:

How much does copywriting cost?

As with anything, it depends. You can get short copy for as little as $100, and massive sales letters (which can easily be 25 to 50 pages) for $5000 or more... plus royalties. It really depends on the format and on your goals.

Send me a note or contact me on LinkedIn to discuss your next project.  Or book a call directly.

Is copywriting the same thing as storytelling?

Storytelling is a tool in a copywriter’s arsenal. When done properly, it entertains the reader and makes them want to read more. When done improperly, it can be cringe-inducing!

Study after study shows that storytelling is one of the most effective ways to transmit information. You do it every day, without realizing it.

If you start a sentence by saying, “For example,” or “Listen to what happened to me,” or “Did you hear about,” then you are using storytelling.

The difference between a copywriter’s use of storytelling and everyday storytelling is intent: a copywriter wants to persuade someone to act.

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