Régional Montréal • Rencontre d'information mensuelle


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First Wednesday of the month

Next meeting : 2025-03-05
Breakfast Meeting
9 am to 10 am local time



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Siège Social / Danny CouturierPresident District Manager

GR international

Business Networking GR

Select Prestige Corporate

Sarra Allouti


Learning tools

Select Prestige Corporate

Maxime Côté

Dominion Landing

Residential Mortgages

Select Prestige Corporate

Maxime Côté

Proprio Direct

Residential Real Estate Broker

Select Prestige Corporate

Michel Daoust


Automobile broker

Select Prestige Corporate

Valérie Doyon

Fincap Groupe Financier

Commercial loan agent

Select Prestige Corporate

Pasquale Fantone

PFT Solutions

Audiovisual integration

Select Prestige Corporate

Irina Grabovskaia

Institut de Développment de la Famille

Children development, nursing and parenthood

Select Prestige Corporate

Oussama Hentabli

Algebra Solution Financière inc


Select Prestige Corporate

Paulins Ketchate

PSK Consultation

Recruitment/HR Consultant

Select Prestige Corporate

Paulins Ketchate

PSK Services Techniques

General Contractor

Select Prestige Corporate

Sabrina Lagassé

Proprio direct

Residential Real Estate Broker

Select Prestige Corporate

Frédéric Marquis

Industrielle Alliance

Head of the group insurance for GR international

Select Prestige Corporate

Carole McClure

CMC Assurances

Life Insurance

Select Prestige Corporate

Carole McClure

CMC Assurances

Investment Savings

Select Prestige Corporate

Benoit Ouimet

MNP Ltée

Bankruptcy Trustee

Select Prestige Corporate

Corey Ramirez

Alouettes de Montréal

Amusement Parks, golf and games

Select Prestige Corporate

Marie Revel

Marie Revel - Thérapeute en relation d'aide

Therapist counseling

Select Prestige Corporate

Pascale Rousseau

Inspections Rousseau

Building Inspector

Select Prestige Corporate

Sofranie Trencia

Atomic Results

Personal development coach

Select Prestige Corporate

Reserve or Buy your seat right away!

Reserve now

A representative will contact you in order to complete your membership. The reservation lasts 24 hours.

Pay now

Upon receipt of payment, your exclusive seat within the group is guaranteed. All major credit cards are accepted.*

* See conditions
